
"Generating SME product and process innovation with a new tourism
mobility model, stakeholder alliances and skills alliances to facilitate
the market uptake of local enterprises in remote and sparsely populated areas”
Project co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the Participating Countries


The LP University of the Aegean/Research Unit embodies the concept of a “university- society network” dispersed over 5 Aegean islands with a direct link with policy making in regional development and educational policy. The LP is experienced in collecting and managing large databases including good practices in many scientific fields with a direct input in the most diverse industry segments such as tourism, shipping, trade and transport, models to prevent environmental hazards, early warning systems, forecasting methodologies, environmental protection and humanities.

Since 1985 till now, the LP has managed more than 2000 projects of total amount 140 million Euros.* In 2019 the annual budget reached 3.482.393 Euros and 70 employees (Research Unit Secretariat). The advance AEGEAN-NET supports online communication between University Units and the “ALKAIOS” Information System for financial issues.

In the last Programming Period the LP has collected manifold experiences in implementing EU, international and national projects, in the framework of the Interreg IIIA, III B and Leader, 32 projects with a total budget of 4.922.500, 00Euros.

The LP has co-founded the “Centre de Recherches et d’ Etudes sur la Mediterranee Orientale”, and participates an extensive chain of networks such as EURAXESS, PROTON Europe, ASTP. In 2004 the LP has founded the Greek Center for Heritage Interpretation, as a result of Transnational Cooperation within C.I. Leader+. Through a best practice DB for interpretive products the LP has implemented 22 Leader+ Projects till 2008 with a total budget of 892.000, 00 Euros, redefining policy context in the field of heritage interpretation. Within SAGITTARIUS the LP will benefit by the extensive spatial distribution and the experience diversity of the Transnational Partnership so to transfer successful practices into the national and regional policy framework, especially focusing on the NUTII levels North and South Aegean. The LP will integrate the dynamics of the actors aforementioned to the Project’s Open Collaborative Network, enhancing thus the long term viability of project results.

Located in a geographical location, where cultural values have met for millennia, the Aegean Sea, the LP, University of the Aegean, is a cultural catalyst connecting the Mediterranean Sea Basin with the Black Sea Basin mediating among different cultures and civilizations. The LP embodies the concept of a “university- society network” dispersed over 5 Aegean islands with a direct link with policy making in regional development and educational policy. The LP is experienced in collecting and managing large databases including good practices in many scientific fields with a direct input in the most diverse industry segments such as tourism, shipping, trade and transport, models to prevent environmental hazards, early warning systems, forecasting methodologies, environmental protection and humanities.

The LP has co-founded the “Centre de Recherches et d’ Etudes sur la Mediterranee Orientale”, and participates an extensive chain of networks such as EURAXESS, PROTON Europe, ASTP, and INTERPET EUROPE, where the latter is devoted to the Interpretation of natural and cultural heritage values at European level. The LP will integrate the dynamics of the actors aforementioned as satellite Partners to the Project’s Open Collaborative Network, enhancing thus the viability of Project results. In 2004 the LP has founded the Greek Center for Heritage Interpretation, as a result of Transnational Cooperation within C.I. Leader+. Through a best practice DB for interpretive products the LP has implemented 22 Leader+ Projects till 2008 with a total budget of 892.000, 00Euros, redefining policy context in the field of heritage interpretation, leading to the development of the SEE/B/0016/4.3/X Project SAGITTARIUS Launching (g)local level heritage entrepreneurship: strategies and tools to unite forces, safeguard the place, mobilizing cultural values, deliver the experience” South East Europe (SEE) programme. Within SAGITTARIUS the LP has developed new business model for cultural heritage entrepreneurship that has been awarded by the SEE TCP 2007-2013. This innovation has been transferred to the ΕNPI CBC Black Sea JOP 2007-2013 // MIS ECT 2617 ALECTOR.

Contact Details

Scientific Supervisor: Professor Sotirios Chtouris 
Project Manager: Sevastos Christofidis
Financial Manager: Nikolaos Christoforidis

Project Manager

Sevastos Christofidis
Research Unit of the University of the Aegean
Unit of Financial and Administrative Support
Vice-Directorate of Financial Management
Head of Department of Projects’ Management

  • Address: Lofos Panepistimiou, P.C. 81132, Mytilini, Greece

  • Tel: +30 22510 36731

  • Fax: +30 22510 36709

  • Skype: Sevastos.Christofidis

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