
"Generating SME product and process innovation with a new tourism
mobility model, stakeholder alliances and skills alliances to facilitate
the market uptake of local enterprises in remote and sparsely populated areas”
Project co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the Participating Countries


The Municipality of Strovolos was established in 1986 according to the Municipal Law Ν. 111/85 and is the second largest Municipality in Cyprus after Limassol, with a population of over 70.000 inhabitants. The Municipality of Strovolos (STROVOLOS)/CY is a local public authority in the province of Nicosia ex principio interested in the sustainable development of the territory and has a long record in EU project implementation (LLP/ETCP/Interreg IVC etc). Cooperating with government actors and the private sector, P5 will link between SMEs with project activities. Project results will be transferred to national structural funds to improve local relevant policies and instruments.

Contact Details
Project Manager

Athena Christodoulidou

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