
"Generating SME product and process innovation with a new tourism
mobility model, stakeholder alliances and skills alliances to facilitate
the market uptake of local enterprises in remote and sparsely populated areas”
Project co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the Participating Countries

A.B.A.T BALKANIA (Balkan association for alternative tourism)

BALKANIA is an association for Balkan Alternative Tourism which focuses on implementing and developing projects in the field of alternative tourism to enable the promotion of North Macedonia and the entire Balkan region as an attractive tourist destination with exceptional natural, historical, cultural and anthropological heritage. In addition to that, it focuses on projects and activities that help develop human capacity and skills in the field of tourism and related areas. The association is channeling its energy to all forms that are the alternative to mass tourism, and which are focused towards the development of macro sectors identified as: Natural tourism, rural tourism, Cultural tourism and Sport Tourism.

BALKANIA initiates and supports many tourism activities on local level. Among the members we include many municipalities from the Republic of North Macedonia as well as a network of partners across the Balkan region that have the potential for developing rural and sustainable tourism and we have intensive collaboration with relevant tourism stakeholders such as the National Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism in North Macedonia, the Ministry of Economy, entrepreneurs in the tourism sector and NGOs.

Contact Details
Project Manager

Vlado Srbinovski
ABAT Balkania- Balkan Association for Alternative Tourism

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