
"Generating SME product and process innovation with a new tourism
mobility model, stakeholder alliances and skills alliances to facilitate
the market uptake of local enterprises in remote and sparsely populated areas”
Project co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the Participating Countries


INNOViMENTOR aims to support the capacity of tourism SMEs in remote, peripheral and sparsely populated areas to grow in regional, national and international markets and to engage in innovation processes in the tourism sector. The project Legacy includes a planning infrastructure of 231 main deliverables, 5 of which are business applications with commercialization potential, to enter the global distribution channels upon project completion. INNOViMENTOR is aiming to mentor the tourism business innovation processes with new products and services in a connected global economy and within a constantly changing business ecosystem.

To enhance the capacity of tourism SMEs towards entrepreneurial, social and business innovation INNOViMENTOR maps skill needs of tourism actors and combats stakeholder fragmentation towards the cross sector cooperation for product and process innovation. To enhance the capacity of tourism SMEs embrace innovation and as an agent of change and business transformation a work based learning training programme is offered including major stakeholders and key players. The programme results in a permanent life-long learning community with 30 EQF certified individuals. A new business model on customer insights, key experiences and stakeholder participation is applied to advance the tourism competitiveness in the project area.

INNOViMENTOR supports tourism SMES in remote peripheral and sparsely populated areas to exploit growth assets and access key markets in tourism with a triple strategy: a) mapping and valorizing the Project Area tourism potential and connecting the public, private and third sector; b) connecting key tourism experiences with quality services in the territory to support the extroversion of tourism SME under a climate change perspective and the COP21 goals; c) assisting local businesses via the pool of trainees to understand and apply tourism product and process innovation.

To generate tourism product and process innovation assisting locally operating tourism businesses face the challenges in a constantly changing knowledge ecosystem INNOViMENTOR designs, delivers and packages a full scale creative tourism product to enter the global tourism market with 60 unique selling points in 2018. A creative tourism route with first hand authentic experiences; a booking app and an iBook for iOs and Android users and a new byer-community is established by 2018. A permanent Roving Business School with 6 branches in the Project Area and a Creative Tourism Observatory inherit the project Legacy ensuring the sustainability of achieved results.

INNOViMENTOR delivers 10 management, administration and management tools; 15 print-free and low carbon highly sophisticated communication, dissemination and visibility tools, greatly benefiting the extroversion of tourism SMEs, while at the same time are print-free and low carbon; 1 business model innovation with high replicability degree; 6 locally implemented pilot project with 60 unique new selling points; 49 recommendations, strategies and common positions, 32 project events; 12 surveys, studies, methodologies and research reports; 12 training and planning tools and skill building activities; 3 project evaluation mechanisms and 3 permanent networks to ensure the sustainability of achieved results


INNOViMENTOR aims to successfully mentor tourism SMEs in peripheral, remote and sparsely populated areas that they grow in the regional, national and international context; enhance business competitiveness with a new model for process-product innovation; launch a Skills Alliance and facilitate the uptake of locally operating micro-enterprises by the global market.

3 sub-objectives are set in accordance with the ETCP BM 2014-2020 /Priority Axis 1/SO1.2, the EU 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth/Horizontal Policies/Digital Agenda/Bruges Communique/H2020 Grand Societal Challenges/New Narrative for Europe/Macro-Regional Strategies 2020:


enhance work-based learning, training and sharing of experiences and know‐how; demonstrate the socioeconomic value of a new experience-driven tourism mobility model and deliver the right skill mix to diversify tourism offers; employ the youth with new ICT and domain specific skills and reduce brain drain; develop a product-process innovation in tourism and identify new business opportunities; create a new supply-demand pattern supporting tourism entrepreneurs to compete in the global market; attract place-attached economic activities via branded places & place-driven products with acknowledged market value;


launch a Research-Business Cooperation where highly skilled workers implement new customized services at local level;


promote self-employment of young& women; increase participation of chronic unemployed (women, part time jobbers, and disabled persons); reconcile work and family; eliminate sex/age stereotyping in job descriptions; oppose the discrimination of religion, beliefs, and transgender people; break down pay inequalities and horizontal segregation.

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